1) Al-Quran for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quran.labs.androidquran
- Free and open source
- Translation in multiple language
- Reciter (2 options: listen thru streaming or download first)
2) Al-Quran for iPhone - http://iphone.almubin.com/alQuran/index.php?show=Features
- The best free Quran Apps
- Easy to use and got a lot of features such as: Share, Reciter option, Script option, Bookmarks etc...
- 5/5 stars
3) Al-Quran for BlackBerry - http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/63798/?lang=en
- Called Holy Quran.
- Can share to Social Media.
- Approved by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif